In 2009, a number of residents expressed to Council, their enthusiasm for having a major destination water park here in Strathcona County. They created a facebook page and lobbied Councillors.
Council had a lengthy discussion in open council and reached a decision that followed the already mapped direction of our walkable community philosophy. We agreed that the most far-reaching benefits would result from the creation of several small community splash pads with ten or so spray elements as opposed to a multi million dollar water park.
Council requested that administration build into the budget a means to refurbish existing but woefully inadequate spray decks (that required volunteers to staff and consisted of virtually a hose and tap) into automatic more environmentally friendly splash pads. The concept was to implement this plan as budget allowed – starting with Cloverbar Park that had dollars already allocated for a major renovation in 2010.
While it would be great to build a dozen or so community splash pads immediately, this would not have been a cost effective or fair and equitable way of providing recreational opportunities to our residents.
Different demographics and special interest groups all have their recreational needs that need to be looked at and responded to as resources allow.
In a short span of three years, I have seen large groups of people representing various groups approach Council. Sports teams urge us to look at artificial turf fields. Seniors ask for senior friendly exercise stations in our parks. People ask for tennis courts, skating parks, bike parks and snowmobile trails. All interests are valid, but need to be planned in an appropriate manner to serve the greatest numbers of people and provide the greatest impact in improving health and wellness with the funding available.
Administration, in putting together the Open Space Recreation and Facilities Plan (LINK) is attempting to implement, in a logical and timely manner, more recreational programs and facilities to both rural and urban communities that will improve the quality of life for all residents through both organized and more leisurely family activities.
In the recent past, we have seen significant improvement in walkable trails system, an expansion of both the Ardrossan arena and Millinium Place, as well as revitalization of several parks and playground areas. The first of hopefully many neighbourhood splash pads will join these improvements. ..ensuring that we retain our reputation as a Community of Choice, one that we are all proud to live in.
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