The Light Efficiency Policy is one that has seen the light of day!
On July 06, 2010, Council approved a new policy that will provide guidelines for future development and orderly, economically efficient retrofit of our older neighbourhoods and businesses.
This policy has its roots in work by the regional Royal Astronomical Association, Councillor Glen Lawrence and key staff from Strathcona County and Elk Island Park who are passionate about the Dark Sky Initiative. Over the past several years they planned several events in local rural areas, including our own Wilderness Centre, to create an awareness of the benefits of smart lighting practises.
This new Strathcona County policy improves both urban and rural areas utilizing the Dark Sky principles.
Overlit and over bright cities create light pollution that has a detrimental effect on human and animal life, actually facilitates criminal activities and wastes millions of taxpayer dollars. In 2009, the American Medical Health Association adopted resolutions that support the reduction of light pollution and advocate the use of energy efficient lighting and fully shielded outdoor lighting.
This year, members of Edmonton’s 150 Community Leagues relayed their concerns to Edmonton’s municipal Council. Residents were attempting to reduce their neighborhood carbon footprint and had concerns about new residential street lighting in mature neighbourhoods. Many people felt that neighbourhoods were suffering negative impacts from being over-lit, lighting not put where it is needed the most, the latest technologies not being used, glare inhibiting vision and as a consequence, the safety of people (especially seniors), unwanted light in private yards and excessive street light costs.
Many cities have light efficient community policies to enhance safety while reducing the energy bill. The City of Calgary expects to save 40% on their street lighting bill alone. Smarter lighting is the solution.
Lights that cause confusion or visual distraction can be deadly while driving. Erratically spaced roadway lights decrease the ability to see a pedestrian or other roadway obstruction. The glare of street lights cause distraction to the driver. High speed, bright luminescence video signs and flashing lights offer another challenge to people's concentration.
Many police departments are embracing Criminal Prevention through Environmental Design. Lighting plays a significant role. Installing a motion sensor, or turning off lights - forcing a trespasser to use a flashlight that attracts more attention - is emerging as a more effective way to combat graffiti and vandalism.
Strathcona County’s new policy embraces the concept of the principles of a Light Efficient Community. It sets guidelines and standards that will update and ensure alignment throughout departments. The policy will ensure that future development has clear concise direction in creating an efficient, less stressful community. Older, less efficient lighting devices will be grandfathered in so as not to cause undue financial hardship on our businesses and residents. When existing sub-standard lighting is due for replacement, repair or relocation, the retrofit policy will be initiated. Educational programs including economical and environmental tips will be developed in the upcoming months.
More information on this policy can be obtained at Council minutes. If you are interested in more information on what other communities are doing in this area try this link
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