The Aug. 16, 2011 meeting covered a broad scope of issues with both public presentations and Council debate on train whistles and the Capital Regional Transportation Plan. Other topics touched on included parking issues and a report on a recent Alberta’s Industrial Heartland trip to Wood Buffalo. I recommend that you refer to the reports and minutes.
Train Whistles
Councillor Jacquie Fenske gave an impassioned presentation on the need to listen to residents and collect comprehensive information from our own and other municipalities to ensure that we make the wisest decision on whether Strathcona County should prepare a train whistle minimizing policy.
Residents and Councillors alike have been expressing opinions ranging from ‘but the residents knew the tracks were there when they purchased the property’ to ‘train traffic will continue to increase significantly now and into the near future’. Other arguments are based on allowing whistles based on the need for safety compared to minimizing whistles while upgrading that location with barriers, lights and adjacent fencing. Councillor Fenske did report that 61 residents responded to 250 letters sent out.
75% of respondents supported whistle cessation or limiting train whistles at night.
Included in the information to come back to Council will be positions from Alberta Transport, legal opinion on risk liability, statistics, costs and recommendation on locations.
The motion that Strathcona County should prepare a train whistle minimizing policy was passed.
Governance Issue
During the train whistle motion, Councillor Fenske’s presentation was cut short by the Mayor. The Mayor interrupted her motion and told her that a ‘five minute rule’ applies. I questioned the existence of such a rule in our meeting policy or bylaws but was told it did exist.
At the end of the meeting Councillors brought forward proof that our Meeting Procedures Bylaw is indeed silent on length of debate. It follows that Roberts Rules of Order would then take precedence.
The Municipal Government Act lays out the expectation that Councils operate under the principles of democracy and respect for all individuals. I will continue to request that all Council members are treated respectfully and that existing meeting procedures are adhered to until Council debates and changes those procedures.
Integrated Regional Transportation Plan
The motion that Council support this plan was postponed until the Aug. 30, 2011. Residents and Councillors alike lodged concerns over this plan. It is a report well worth reading.
I would like to have seen more vision, given it is supposed to address transportation into the next 35 years. Why channel traffic through Strathcona County areas of growth, environment and tourism? I did not see enough options. In fairness: our engineering department and I’m told, the Alberta government support the plan.
I’m also given to understand that this plan lays out broad policy framework so local concerns would be addressed closer to implementation – hmmm where have I heard that before? I did hear Councillor Fenske talk to an option of upgrading 540 instead of 542. I am looking forward to hearing more information in the Aug. 30, 2011 discussion.
I urge residents to attend the occasional Council meeting or tune in to the webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to your topic of interest.
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