As Council webcast capability has not yet been delivered, I continue to bring you highlights of Council meetings. More in-depth reports and minutes can be found here.
The River Valley Vision
Many citizens are not aware that Strathcona County is one of the seven members of the River Valley Alliance (RVA). Since 1996, these municipalities have shared a vision of transforming an 88 km stretch of river valley into a world-class metropolitan river front integrated park. In this meeting, the RVA approached Council to approve, in principle, a funding list of priorities. In addition, we were asked to prepare a bylaw that would support the RVA plan. The value of Strathcona County projects on a 90 million dollar plan submitted to the federal government is 21 million dollars. The municipal share would be 7 million. Council referred this ‘ask’ to administration for review.
This decision for financial commitment will be brought back to Council on March 29, 2011. Serious reflection needs to take place on the appropriateness and timeliness of this request. Just how many of our residents would benefit from this plan? How does Council intend to balance rural and urban infrastructure needs and the approved priorities of the Outdoor Space and Recreation Facilities Plan with this multimillion dollar River Valley appeal?
Parkade Parking
Council was asked to amend the Parking Bylaw to allow for enforcement of parking within a paid parking lot and to allow parking ticket to be issued. I was not impressed with this ask! How can we start issuing violations before the flood of parking complaints have been addressed? Resident concerns include consistent reports that signage inside the parkade is unclear, directions are difficult to understand, locations and directional signage is confusing. Options in the outdoor surface parking is hidden with signage on Sherwood Drive still indicating staff parking only in a lot that has an allocated 23 spaces for free public use. I have asked that administration meet with the Library and other users to make indoor parking a much more user friendly alternative.
Land Use Bylaw Review
The last comprehensive Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Review was approved by Council in July, 2001. LUB directs land uses as specific as residential, business and agriculture. It further regulates design standards, lighting, parking, landscaping and setbacks. Virtually all residents are impacted in one way or another.
In January, 2008 it was deemed necessary to enter into a general review to update, amend and eliminate the obsolete. The overall Land Use Bylaw Review has had delay upon delay – with erratic attention over the past three years. An inordinate amount of time has been spent on the sign regulation review. On March 8, 2011, Council learned that administration now anticipates taking an additional two years and three months to address the balance of the Land Use Bylaw. I voiced concerns about the delay and the amount of time projected to complete this review and noted concerns over a lack of detail around scheduling public engagement. I have requested that the public be advised on every aspect of this review so that our residents’ input and concerns are taken into account. A general timeline is to be found in enclosure 1 Item 14 and more detailed information will be available on the Planning Department web page and in the Sherwood News.
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