Council has been in discussion and debate for weeks on the budget. On Dec. 14, 2010, Council is expected to approve the 2011 -2013 Business Plan, the 2011 operating budgets for municipal, utility and library operations and the 2011 capital budgets for municipal, utility and library operations.
Administration originally proposed a municipal tax increase of 4.86%. After much debate we were presented with a proposal of 3.45%. Further discussion will occur on Tuesday.
In addition, Council approved a motion to move 4 million dollars to the Open Space Recreation Facilities Plan in order to encourage Administration to build capacity and provide more recreational opportunities for Strathcona County residents.
I would also like to thank my fellow Councillors for unanimously supporting three of my initiatives that will benefit both urban and rural residents:
Council amended the proposed 2011 budget by adding $3000 in the RCMP operating budget to accommodate criminal record checks for Strathcona County resident volunteers who assist vulnerable citizens in Strathcona County through various projects and programs. This was in response that I have heard regarding volunteers waiting months to get necessary criminal checks done and will mean that volunteers will not have to pay additional fees to have a rapid verification made in order that they can start their work with children and seniors in a reasonable time frame.
I was concerned over the facility rental fees that I saw for both rural and urban room rates for meetings and events. Council discussed this concern with the result that Administration was directed to bring recommendations to Council for not for profit user fees of all Strathcona County facilities for meetings and events.
Finally, I have been unhappy that our residents do not have 'front of class' positioning in the surface parking at our new Community Centre. After much discussion, Council directed that Administration to make twenty parking stalls available close to the Library for free public parking; with a report to come to Council by the end of April 2011 on a parking management plan.
Please feel welcome to attend Council sessions.
Tuesday's schedule is:
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010
Council - 3 p.m.
Council Open House - 5:30 p.m.
Public Hearings - 5 or 7 p.m.
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