I had hoped that this budget would be one of revitalization of our organization
based upon the Russell Farmer Organizational Report ‘Pursuit of Excellence’.
That is not to be.
The 87 recommendations of the organizational
wide review are not being released until the new Commissioner does a detailed
analysis of the recommendations, and works with Council to select and
prioritize the recommendations that ‘fit’ with our community’s immediate and
long term needs.
Until then Council needed to deal with the
budget put before us...an overall ask of 4.9% tax rate increase that contained
some ambitious capital and planning projects as well as programs.
Council pared that budget down to 2.6 %. Why
not more? Why not less?
It’s a balance of maintaining services; trying
to maintain user fees at reasonable levels while trying to absorb the
increasing costs that are passed on from utility providers; and maintaining the
right mix of capital projects that support our community’s quality of life
Capital plans included:
$ .25 mill to plan a new
fire hall (AIMP grant funded)*
$ 1 mill for
modernization of another fire station(MSI)*
$ 2 mill for old County
Hall renovations (MSI)*
$ 2.6 mill to fund
Emerald Hills aquatic/wellness centre (surplus)
$ 1.3 mill to build a
specialized fire training centre
1.74 mill for the Spray
Park (surplus)
$ .75 mill to build a
parking lot adjacent to turf field and ABJ (surplus)
The new fire hall planning, modernizations of
the existing firehall and County Hall renovations were deferred*. I have seen
this organization, its enthusiasm, take on more than it can handle. I have seen
building project after project delayed, in part due to lack of internal
resources. I believe that delay of these projects will free up valuable human
and material resources to focus our energies and dollars more tightly and
efficiently on community projects and places that contribute to health and
While there were many excellent projects
brought forward; this budget needed to support our community’s social capital:
projects and programs that focus on health, wellness and universal accessibility.
I say: let’s emulate an athlete: take a breather, bulk up for our endurance race to
come....the implementation of the organizational review recommendations.
Some major business initiatives that are
approved to proceed are:
Safety, inspection and
fire prevention program
Risk mitigation in rural
Open date portal and
Civic Reporter program
Support program for
children experiencing violence
Youth intervention
RCMP extended front
counter service
Specialized transit Service
Strathcona County Council has a mix of places
to draw from at budget time. There is MSI (provincial municipal infrastructure
funding); reserves; surplus (this year amounting to approximately 9.4 million);
and debt financing.
Council has to weigh the
advantages and disadvantages of how and where to use these funding sources.
Sometimes using debt for long term large community projects contributes to the
right formula to amortize the construction to create fair intergenerational
equity. Utilizing our surplus has been something Council has been advised
against drawing on for other than ‘one time more capital oriented projects’.
This year, Council
utilized over a 2.66 million dollars from that surplus toward funding the
budget. I believe that it behooves any private or public business to ensure
that there is a prudent use of surpluses and reserves, but I do think the time
has come to review Council’s policy and philosophy on utilizing surpluses
toward tax and debt reduction, as requested by the county’s Chamber of
Commerce. Council passed a motion to review the surplus policy at the end of budget