Click here for Information on all of the background reports and minutes.
To get the full flavour of how decisions are made tune into the webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to your topic of interest.
RCMP 2011 Annual Report
Superintendent Steinke presented the annual statistical report. In order to balance the enforcement time between urban streets, school and playground zones and the higher volume collector and arterial roads, two photo radar units were working double time in the last half of 2011.
Residents will have to be vigilant and increase reporting where they find speeding an issue in residential areas – as the mobile photo radar will cease in September 2012. Five new officers will have to take the place of the mobile units. 41,309 tickets were written in 2011 compared to 17,513 the year prior.
Domestic and family violence are under reported and growing (up 31% over last year). In response to this, dedicated police resources are being added this year to coordinate investigations and drive an integrated domestic violence program in our community.
Criminal checks for volunteering with nonprofits who work with vulnerable people currently take in the range of 3 months to obtain – creating concern and frustration on the part of agencies and volunteers alike. New technology is scheduled to be in place by April to slash that wait time to a few weeks.
Roundabouts Information Session
Modern Roundabouts are gaining popularity for their ability to move traffic in a safe free flow manner- so much so that Alberta has developed a new policy (bulletin #68/2010) requiring engineering consultants to review and access roundabouts as the first option for improvements in any existing or new intersections. I highly recommend residents review this presentation – especially slides #11 to 18: advantages and disadvantages.
Having said that, I found it frustrating to listen to provincial rationale to remove a stop sign on Josephburg Hwy 830 and add one to Twp Rd 550 this summer. Over 75 residents came out on February 22nd to air their concerns over local traffic tie ups and fears of decreased safety.
Q4 Financial Report
The final report for 2011 reflected the significant activity residents saw throughout the year. 26 million dollars of capital spending was approved and put to good use in major projects such as Ardrossan Recreation Centre and Millennium Place. Roadwork included $4 million for Baseline improvements and another $3 million for residential roadways. The full report is available here.
Net operating surpluses are reported at $6 million for municipal and $1.7 million for utility. Council approved allocation of these surpluses to reserves. An additional $0.6 million of library operating reserves was approved as allocated to library reserves.
E News Bulletin
I send out an E News Bulletin four times a month to residents. It is an opportunity for me to inform you of events and matters of interest to your family and neighbours in a timely manner. These electronic news flashes also help me to get your input and touch base with you. You are welcome to sign up at