The Sept. 27, 2011 meeting felt like the shortest Council meeting this term. Council approved the design and construction of a full pressure water distribution and & STEP wastewater collection system for Campbelltown Heights subdivision through a local Improvement tax levy. Residents had been requesting this for a number of years. Administration provided reports on a National Work-Life and Family Study to be conducted with staff in the final quarter of 2011.
I invite residents to go to the webcast to get the full flavour of how decisions are made tune into the webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to your topic of interest.
Organizational Review
I have lobbied Council since 2007 to initiate a corporate wide review of our municipal functions at the highest levels. Administration has set out terms of reference and hired firms to look at departmental operations. In the past few years - reviews were broadened to include two departments. Now it is time for a broader efficiency review that looks at best practises of other successful municipalities in the delivery of services to our residents and stakeholders. A clear and focused examination of Council, senior management and our way of doing business will, I believe, lead to the implementation of better guidelines and processes to provide direction for an even higher level of customer service at greater efficiency than now exists.
Urged by public requests, I have been asking Council and Administration to post Proclamations (Policy GOV-001-015) for a specific time period. Councillors seem to want to look at other ways of heightening the profile of proclamations generally so I am discontinuing that request for now.
Second Quarter Management Report
Chief Financial Officer George Huybregts summed up the report on the health of the organization by indicating that the mandate of Administration and Council is to manage and monitor closely public funds based on the Business Plan. There were no surprises in the second quarter report, and the municipality is going into the budget season in a solid position. The first budget Council meeting is Oct. 4, 2011 at 1 p.m.
Strathcona County Environmental Advisory Council
Council heard an impressive presentation from public member Chair Cathy Wrightson. She reviewed what is I believe a first. This committee developed a three level decision matrix for use as an aid in selecting appropriate initiatives to pursue for this and future committees. This group of highly qualified professionals has spent the last several months in refining its ambitions, weighing its strengths and clearly identify ways of carrying out its mandate.
Haunted Hike
While there was no discussion on this decision, I did have many residents contact me prior to the Council meeting. As I told them, this could be viewed as a precedent setting decision as Strathcona County Transit does not have the provision of transportation as a core service. My decision was based on the proposal being a cost recovery one with attendance numbers solid enough to make this a feasible attendee pay event. Strathcona County Transit has undertaken to develop a guideline for responding to similar requests in the future. I commend the organizers and volunteers of this great local tourism event to be offered the last three Friday/Saturday nights in October
Council Open Houses
Mr Doug Kroetsch represented his family and all residents who drive Hwy 628 and Township Road 522. Intersections of Range Roads 231, 232, and 233 are presenting a traffic safety issue. From the provincial perspective: local land owners are resisting land sales at market value, according to Alberta Transportation. Another time consuming factor is the province’s focus on roundabouts as a solution. The province has committed to scheduling further discussions with the County as soon as the roundabout review is completed. As of Aug. 26, 2011 the status of the roundabout project was “underway and nearing completion”. I am hopeful – for the sake of all travellers in our County - that the review will be completed this year.
Mr Doug Bowes represented his 170 Sherwood Park Archery members well in an informative discussion on the request for letters of support from Council as they seek funding from other government levels to expand their current facilities. The Club also requested that Strathcona County transfer other leased lands to the Club. I look for both public comment and administrative information on the merits and possible negative impacts to taxpayers of such a move.
Public Transit Input Requested
At the last Council meeting, Transit announced that it was entering into its second phase of public engagement. Residents are invited to comment on draft recommendations for a Transit Master Plan that addresses six key aspects of Strathcona County transit service: specialized transit and accessibility, inter-municipal transit, local transit, Park and Ride, rural transit and fares.
I send out an E-News Bulletin to residents on community information and issues. It gives me an opportunity to touch base with you on a regular basis. You can obtain your copy by sending me your e-mail address.